Saturday, December 5, 2015

Blogmas Bonus! Lavender Cotton Candy Handmade Soap!

I made this soap some time in September. I can't currently find my soapmaking sheets from my time in Georgia. As a result, most of my earlier soaps will have to be done by memory.

Base Oils: Coconut oil, palm oil, olive oil, cocoa butter, castor oil
Superfatting: Shea butter, almond oil
Fragrance: 25/75 Lavender/Cotton Candy

I colored this soap green and orange because I was feeling the Halloween mood at the time. After I'd molded the soap I added a multichrome glitter that ranges from black to brown to orange to green to gold, depending on the angle and lighting.
This was a Cold Process Oven Process soap, and it took to the process wonderfully. I had several batches afterwards that I kept accidentally overcooking due to my oven's inability to go below 350 degrees and my own lack of attention. Those soaps are still great, they're just covered in little bubbles.
This soap bubbles really well, and my hands feel really smooth during and after use. The scent has stayed really well but does not become overpowering. M will actually use this soap in the shower and not have to worry about smelling too strong when he gets out. :)

Overall I'd say I really liked this soap. If I were to make it again I would change the colors to more closely match the new season, or do general purple/white that people associate with a lavender scent.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not a big lavender fan but just seeing this lovely handcrafted soap makes me happy. And having posts to read! =)

