Sweet, lovely November. Halloween has come and gone (hope you didn't gorge on candy!), the election is about to be over (it feels like it has been years!) and now, we're (technically) in the full swing of the holiday season! Thanksgiving will be here in just a few short weeks, and before you know it, it will be all Christmas all the time. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year.
The Band of Bloggers question for November is:
What does your ideal Thanksgiving day and table look like? What are you eating? Any candles or tarts burning/melting in the room? Who fills your table? Are you stressed? What does your house look like? How's the weather? Give us the deets!
Thanksgiving day is spent with people I love and care about. Turkey and ham are roasting in the oven. Pies are laid out on the buffet table. Mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, corn, and so much more than I can list or care to eat are there as well. I guess cranberry jam is there, though I don't like it. There are fancy place mats and dishes laid out on an expanded table that accommodates 10+ people. Anything scented like Leaves from B&BW scents the house alongside the wonderful aromas of food. The people are rather vague in my mind. M is there, but we could be at a table with his family or mine and I would be equally happy. This year several families are looking at getting together for Thanksgiving and having our own get together. If that falls through, M and I will still open our house up to his coworkers who are single or separated from family while here.
I would probably be stressed, as I always am during large gatherings. Should I be helping? Did I make this right? Did I remember so-and-so's name correctly? Is M okay? Did I offend anyone? Am I supposed to be doing something else? Is that little one okay cutting up the turkey? Did the other little one get her/himself in trouble playing by the glassware? What was that loud bang? *insert screams of confusion*
Our house has always been empty on Thanksgiving, except for 2013 and 2014. In 2013 we got together with our coworkers and played football. In 2014 I was home alone, as M was at AIT. So normally our house is pretty empty. It's also never decorated. This year is out of the ordinary. It's not only decorated, it should be full and bustling. Anyway, back to my answer. The house will start off nice and clean and set up to accommodate many people. It will be nicely decorated with fall -and leftover Halloween, let's face it- and just a little bit of winter/Christmas decor. The weather will be cold. I would prefer snow, but simply being cold is enough for me.
Let's see... Thanksgiving has always been the first day that we would start playing Christmas tunes in the house, so that's probably what I would want playing. After we've finished eating, football is usually thrown on the TV while we enter into our comatose states. The end of the day would be spent cleaning so Black Friday could be spent decorating the house and putting up the tree. The past few years I've actually participated in some of the Black Friday shopping, so that might be a thing if I see something I'm interested in. Wait. I'm in Korea and Black Friday isn't a thing here. I'll wait for Cyber Monday instead. :) Works out better, anyway. I can deal with internet traffic instead of crowded lines and stores.
Last but not least, there have to be video games. When I was younger, I would always spend part of my Thanksgiving on UO with my friends, and we would do a mock Thanksgiving meal and run some sort of dungeon together. Probably Blighted Grove or a champion spawn (Deb, I'm totally catering to you by including all of these details :P). I would also take time to play some games on the XBox with my siblings. We would mostly play Halo together, or watch a movie... series... marathon... Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter, usually.
There's my rather long and complicated answer. I think I switched between 'ideal' and 'what used to be my norm' for a lot of these answers. Oh well!
Thanksgiving day is spent with people I love and care about. Turkey and ham are roasting in the oven. Pies are laid out on the buffet table. Mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, corn, and so much more than I can list or care to eat are there as well. I guess cranberry jam is there, though I don't like it. There are fancy place mats and dishes laid out on an expanded table that accommodates 10+ people. Anything scented like Leaves from B&BW scents the house alongside the wonderful aromas of food. The people are rather vague in my mind. M is there, but we could be at a table with his family or mine and I would be equally happy. This year several families are looking at getting together for Thanksgiving and having our own get together. If that falls through, M and I will still open our house up to his coworkers who are single or separated from family while here.
I would probably be stressed, as I always am during large gatherings. Should I be helping? Did I make this right? Did I remember so-and-so's name correctly? Is M okay? Did I offend anyone? Am I supposed to be doing something else? Is that little one okay cutting up the turkey? Did the other little one get her/himself in trouble playing by the glassware? What was that loud bang? *insert screams of confusion*
Our house has always been empty on Thanksgiving, except for 2013 and 2014. In 2013 we got together with our coworkers and played football. In 2014 I was home alone, as M was at AIT. So normally our house is pretty empty. It's also never decorated. This year is out of the ordinary. It's not only decorated, it should be full and bustling. Anyway, back to my answer. The house will start off nice and clean and set up to accommodate many people. It will be nicely decorated with fall -and leftover Halloween, let's face it- and just a little bit of winter/Christmas decor. The weather will be cold. I would prefer snow, but simply being cold is enough for me.
Let's see... Thanksgiving has always been the first day that we would start playing Christmas tunes in the house, so that's probably what I would want playing. After we've finished eating, football is usually thrown on the TV while we enter into our comatose states. The end of the day would be spent cleaning so Black Friday could be spent decorating the house and putting up the tree. The past few years I've actually participated in some of the Black Friday shopping, so that might be a thing if I see something I'm interested in. Wait. I'm in Korea and Black Friday isn't a thing here. I'll wait for Cyber Monday instead. :) Works out better, anyway. I can deal with internet traffic instead of crowded lines and stores.
Last but not least, there have to be video games. When I was younger, I would always spend part of my Thanksgiving on UO with my friends, and we would do a mock Thanksgiving meal and run some sort of dungeon together. Probably Blighted Grove or a champion spawn (Deb, I'm totally catering to you by including all of these details :P). I would also take time to play some games on the XBox with my siblings. We would mostly play Halo together, or watch a movie... series... marathon... Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter, usually.
There's my rather long and complicated answer. I think I switched between 'ideal' and 'what used to be my norm' for a lot of these answers. Oh well!
Please visit these Band of Bloggers blogs
and help support the blogger community!
Deb, at It's Always Something.
Julie, at The Redolent Mermaid.
Lauren, at Lolo Loves Scents.
Liz, at Furianne.
Michelle, at Waxing About.
Sunnee, at Fragrance Obsessed.
Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!
What a great Thanksgiving! I hope you have a beautiful one this year. I know last year's was quiet. Ham is something I always want at the table but never seem to get since the turkey is so big and we have usually spent so much money already. The Honeybaked kind are my favorite.