Thursday, March 3, 2016

Band of Bloggers - Vol. 3/March 2016

Welcome to the third edition of the Band of Bloggers. March is upon us and visions of spring lull us out of the winter doldrums. This month's topic sprung forth from a conversation with Deb and reading Michelle's blog post recently about Tea & Cakes being a scent trend. 

What scent trends have you noticed or have you fallen into so far this year? What do you predict being some trending scents? Scent trends can be in wax, candles, perfume, and/or body care. 
I've seen shaving cream as a popular blend lately. It's an awesome blend, but the name itself is kind of offsetting to those of us who are unfamiliar with what's in it. I'm coming back into flowery type blends. I still don't care for an overload of flowers, but I no longer mind it being in the midst of my blends. I've come across some lovely scents that way (Rose Mallow Cream from Solstice Scents, anyone?). As for trending scents? I think Lavender blends might be making a come back. I feel like it becomes popular every Spring though, because it's a pretty versatile scent with variations that play well in almost any circumstance. Sea salt is another one that I think is rising in popularity. A lot of scents, really. Then again, I feel like the past few months have been my great big comeback into the world of scented wax and bath and body products. All of this stuff could be old news. :)

We would love to hear from you! 

Please visit these Band of Bloggers blogs and help support the blogger community!

Lauren, at Lolo Loves Scents.
Liz, at Furianne
Michelle, at Waxing About.
Sunnee, at Fragrance Obsessed.


  1. Lavender is always in stock for me. And you are right, it blends with anything. The shaving cream scent is suprisingly fantastic! I love it with blackberry! <3

    1. I feel like I could live off of lavender blends for the rest of my life. I like it too much.
      I haven't tried shaving cream yet but all of the scent descriptions make it sound lovely! I'll have to try it some day!

  2. Eeuw, if these are the new trends I'm glad I'm not a follower. LOL
    Florals and lavender and shaving cream? I'll be over here with my fruity bakery stuff.


    1. *GAG*

      Patchouli amber zucchini for Julie.


    2. Nothing wrong with fruity bakery! That sounds fantastic!

      Yuck. Zucchini anything. I tried melting a ZB blend the other day and it actually made me nauseous. Noooo thank you.

  3. Shaving cream? I think I saw that in a group once and it was an immediate no but now that Julie said it's pretty good I'm super curious.
    Herbal lavender is a difficult one for me and I've had no luck blending it but I love the idea of it.
    I'm a go on the flowers this season as well. I'll be looking out to see if you find any that you love.

    1. I've only had a few lucky blends with an herbal lavender but I feel like some of them smell too metallic and thus make me think of blood. I have to be very careful about herbal lavender blends I use.

      If I find any good floral blends I'll be sure to share them with you! <3

  4. Shaving cream! Yes! That has been EVERYWHERE lately! I know what you mean about lighter florals, sometimes I just want to smell something pretty. Lavender blends as a comeback would be amazing, and they do tend to make a revival around this time each year. Loooooove sea salt in every form, so fresh!

    1. I haven't had any sea salt blends in a while. I really need to check it out again, because I remember liking it.

      I keep thinking of I Feel Pretty from West Side Story with your pretty florals comment. I swear everything in my life is some sort of reference to a TV show or movie. LOL

  5. Oh yes, shaving cream! I have seen that going around, I can't wait to get a sniff of it! I could live off lavender scents for the year too, and also pink peppermint and rosemary mint! These are some of the scents that are just good all-day. Hmm, sea salt, I would love for that to make a comeback, one of my all-time faves is Cactus & Sea Salt (which I just realised I don' t have a bag of, whut!).

    1. I keep trying to pick up some shaving cream blends at any vendor opening I make, but they sell out really fast! Aaah, pink peppermint and rosemary mint... such divine scents.
      How can you not have a bag of your favorite scent?! This is blasphemy, I tell you! :)
